Startup City Cahul

EU4Moldova: Stratup City Cahul

According to a grant agreement signed between the Association of Information and Communication Technology Companies of Moldova (ATIC) and Sweden on September 15, 2020 several investments will be made in the region to strengthen the potential of the digital economy. This will increase local employment in the field of ICT, develop businesses based on innovations, and increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of the region.

The project is in line with the Annual Action Programme 2019 in favour of the Republic of Moldova and its Action entitled ‘EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul’, based on the Commission Decision ENI/2019/042-243.

The overall objective of the Action is to harness and strengthen the potential of the digital economy and enhance regional competitiveness, its business, and its investment environment.

The specific objectives are:

  • Foster partnerships for innovation and entrepreneurship between the private sector, public sector, and educational institutions in the region of Cahul.
  • Promote technology, problem solving and creative solutions in learning and make STEM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) more attractive for women and men, girls, and boys.
  • Facilitate the emergence of start-ups in innovative sectors, build their capacity and investment readiness.

The Action is aligned to the Eastern Partnership priorities, the revised Association Agenda and the objectives of the 2017-2020 Single Support Framework (SSF) for Moldova and Chapter 18 of the European Union – Moldova Association Agreement. It will also support the implementation of the Eastern Partnership’s ‘20 Deliverables for 2020’, as they relate to economic development. The proposed activities will support the implementation of the priorities identified in the European Joint Development Cooperation Strategy (Joint Programming Document) and the National Strategy for enhancing IT industry competitiveness ‘Digital Moldova 2020’.


IT Excellence Centre developed in Cahul with:

  • min 1500 m2
  • 4 services created
  • 137 programs and activities

STEM Education encouraged:

  • 200 schools connected to Tekwill in Every School Initiatives
  • Min 50,000 beneficiaries
  • Min 500 teachers skills improved in Digital Education
  • Min 6 curricula updated
  • Min 1000 people with new or better opportunities

Seed Fund Creation:

  • 20 Startups supported
  • Min 15 non IT initiatives supported
  • Min 2600 beneficiaries from Entrepreneurial Education
  • Min 24 Entrepreneurial events

From now and until 2024 several investments will be implemented that will contribute to the development of the Cahul region. Over the next four years, innovation partnerships between the private sector, the public sector, and educational institutions will be encouraged

Under the programmatic approach, the Action will contribute to the regional development of Cahul, in agreement with the Government of Moldova’s strategies for regional growth and well-being. The initiative will involve the major regional stakeholders and a general memorandum of understanding will be negotiated to seek commitment of the governmental authorities.

Visit Startup City Cahul’s Official Website.