PayWell Moldova 2020 Salary and Benefits Survey

PwC announces the release of PayWell Moldova 2020 Salary and Benefits Survey, which is a useful tool in developing competitive remuneration policies for your business.

This year, PayWell Survey gathered 37 organisations and 18,609 employees in 6 industry sectors (Banking, FMCG & Industry, IT, Telecom, Pharma and Overall market), providing:

1) A detailed analysis of salary data, including:

– gross monthly salary;
– annual fixed and variable bonuses (paid and target);
– annual value of benefits granted;
– company’s car value.

2) Information on specific compensation and benefits policies:

– salary review, negotiation and increases (planned and performed);
– fixed and variable bonuses;
– benefits granted to employees: eligible staff category, cost and policy of using, etc.

3) Metrics describing human capital effectiveness related to financial impact and productivity (for example, termination and absence rate ).

The acquisition price depends on the type of report chosen and constitutes:
Full report – EUR 2,600 (net of VAT);
Sector report – EUR 1,600 (net of VAT).
For more details regarding the PayWell Survey, please access its presentation and / or contact the PayWell team (the contact details are included in the presentation).

PayWell Moldova – Salary and Benefits Survey 2020

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