Call for TECH Women Ambassadors – Batch 2021

TECH Women is a community platform launched in 2018 with the support of Tekwill Project funded by USAID and Sweden. The initiative aims at empowering women in tech and bringing female professionals together to share their knowledge, best practices, motivate other girls and women to pursue a career in ICT.

In 2019, Tech Women with the support of Tekwill Project launched the ”Tech Women Ambassadors” initiative. 11 Women were selected to promote Tech Women through different events and conferences for women in tech community. Now, Tech Women launches the second Batch for Ambassadors.

The goal of this initiative is to promote the talent, potential and knowledge combined. We are looking for several distinguished women to be TECH Women Moldova Ambassadors for 2020-2021 to represent the industry in various tech events and actively support inclusion and collective intelligence through technology and inspiration.

Focus themes of 2020-2021:

  • Career orientation;
  • Entrepreneurship in IT;
  • Mentoring and Coaching.

Interested candidates are welcome to express their interest in serving as TECH Women Ambassadors by filling in the application form until December 7, 2020. A wonderful event celebrating the new Ambassadors will take place end of December, online.

Registration is open and you can apply at this link:

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