Best4u International becomes BackstageIT

Best4u International, the dynamic IT company from Moldova, announced that it has been acquired by BackstageIT. Beginnning in May 2022, all marketing activities will be integrated under BackstageIT’s flagship banner.

Best4u International and BackstageIT have always had the same business ethos. They both use an extended teams model, and they have long had the same conception of organizational culture, with a focus on technical innovation and on delivery in Europe, particularly the Netherlands.. The two companies have already been collaborating over the past three years, which will ensure a smooth transition, and the new combined entity will accelerate geographical expansion.

Today Best4u International becomes BackstageIT. What does this mean for our company, our customers, and our employees? More global expertise and knowledge that generates more local solutions. More opportunities for Moldovan IT specialists. More visibility to attract new talent. We continue our journey with the same dedication and clear goals,” says Sander Geels, General Director of BackstageIT.

BackstageIT: the vision that represents us

To ensure the best working conditions for employees, the company will change its headquarters in the heart of the capital, namely on Columna 102, opposite the park and the Cathedral, in a new, modern and vibrant office.

To maintain its growth trend, BackstageIT aims to hire approximately 30 IT professionals by the end of the year, covering a wide range of technology stacks, such as React, Ruby, Flutter, Golang, Python, PHP, Java, .NET, and more.

In the long run, the company aims to grow organically, using a social responsibility strategy with  active participation in social change through education in the IT sector.

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